The managing members of Pròta Services have a combined experience in the scaffolding industry equalling over 30 years. This enables us to provide professional and reliable services which will have a guaranteed stamp of quality in our workmanship. All scaffolding equipment of Pròta Services is certified in accordance to quality legislation and is regularly inspected to ensure that only the best quality equipment is used in our operations.
Our Scaffold teams are all trained according to their relevant designation and the necessary unit standard. They also have experience in their relevant designations. This ensures that the required safety controls and practices are implemented and maintained during all operations that are performed by our scaffolding teams. We have taken the experience of the founders and have written in-depth safe working procedures which cover all aspets of scaffolding erection and dismantling. These procedures are communicated to each and every employee and are implemented within our operations.
Our approach is focussed around the needs of the customer to ensure that the customer is satisfied wiht our quality and services at all times. Through our extensive knowledge and exposure, we are constantly striving to develop new systems to ensure an easier, safer and more effective access scaffolding solution. We supply scaffolding equipment and scaffolding teams for projects, shutdowns and maintenance work contracts.
Prota Scaffolding has started paving the way in offering and installing a product that is used for cargo product shipping and has now started incorporating the product as done in Europe a safer and reliable solution from the general shade netting options that have been used for decades which requires a lot of maintenance. The product allows for contractors to use the scaffolding in wet conditions when insulated by the encapsulation and it is also used as an alternative for dust control in live public environments where construction or refurbishments in Malls, buildings, or plants occur.
The product is a 250Micron shrink wrap product that comes in UV protection white and clear. Other colours can be requested with a minimum order to be placed.
Prota Scaffolding continually strives to enhance our clients’ businesses through occupational risk management solutions whilst creating a safe environment for their workforce. We focus on providing our clients and the industry with OHS accredited Training that exceeds expectations of our clients and our clients’ services providers for each project. Our aim is to ensure that all legal requirements in terms of Competency, Education, and Training are met, to ensure that our clients reap the benefit from the services that we offer. We are fully accredited together with our working partners and make use of only the highest quality facilitators to present our quality driven training for our clients at our training centre or when the need arises on the particular sites our client operate on.
The scaffold is a word used in construction, engineering, and architecture. It refers to an established temporary construction framework that supports building materials in the course of their placement on site. A scaffold is usually temporary and can be constructed or dismantled quickly as it does not need permanent foundations or other structures to support it.
Prota Scaffolding uses a well know scaffolding drawing program that can design any type of scaffolds for its clients in 2D,3D with renders for any size project. The program can draw up an actual design of the scoped work for each project for the scaffold’s intended purposes with fully calculated dead and live loads with its system also being able to calculate estimated tonnages.
Prota Scaffolding provides consulting to our client’s scaffolding requirements for any size project and assists in their tenders to ensure that allowable is aligned to their project program.
Our Clients
Prota Scaffolding Pty continually strives to enhance our clients’ businesses through occupational risk management solutions whilst creating a safe environment for their workforce.